Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fahrenheit 451 v.s. Equilibrium

Fahrenheit 451: In a time and age when reading has been made illegal punishable by governmental arson against your house, Guy Montag, has challenged the laws. In this society firemen start the fires against the offenders instead of putting them out, they walk around with kerosene on their backs dousing houses in fire. Guy Montag starts out as a "fireman" who does his job exceedingly well until one day he meets Clarisse, a girl who reads. This girl questions why he chooses to burn books instead of read them, and to her surprise he tells her that he actually has never read a book before. This chain of events leads Mr. Montag to steal a book which causes him to run for his life from his fellow firemen. The firemen have this diabolical "search-and-destroy" machine, which is described as a metal hound with hypodermic needles as teeth with paralytic poison strong to kill a human, which they set upon Montag in order to bring him to "justice" under their laws.

Equilibrium: In this society all types of feeling and emotion are made to be illegal, as well as anything that provokes such emotions. Such offensive material include: Books, art, music, perfume/cologne, lamp shades, mirrors above certain heights and lengths, and bright colors. In order to preserve human life after WWIII these laws were put in place with the idea that if mankind cannot feel then they cannot incite wars, and they cannot commit crimes. The enforcement the society has are called the Tetragrammaton who have elite super-soldiers/assassins called Grammaton Clerics that search our and kill (in the movie they called it processing but in reality they cremate you alive) all the "sense-offenders".

Synthesis: Through both plot lines the governments both try to oppress any form of uprising by exterminating them, however all it takes is for one person to have the will-power to stand up and they can change history.


Colin Lew said...

i was thinking the same thing. I was talking to friend complain ing that there wasnt a farenheit 451 movie and he told me to look up equilibrium so i would classify it as a cross between farenheit 451 and the matrix.

Unknown said...

(Since you replied to this post a year later, I don't feel too bad Frankensteining this.)
Just to clarify, there is in fact a 1966 movie, "Fahrenheit 451."
Can be found on IMDB, Netflix, and other sources.

Unknown said...

The 1966 movie shows a chase scene where they pursue offenders over waste ground which was in reality the construction site upon which I was sitting in my home with my mother watching the movie on TV. Wierd as a child.