Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty First Drafts -Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott's essay on how basically shitty one's first draft is is grossly over generalized. First of all she assumes that most people have all of these "voices" in their head telling them that what they are doing is wrong and that they "suck." MY style of writing is that I write the way that I talk. I always lived under the impression that if you tried to make the whole world happy you in fact would just make everyone upset, so when she assumes that before we all start writing we need to silence the voices but not all of us have voices. When it comes to the question of is my writing quick and sloppy or long and tedious my answer is neither, I think about what I write before I type it so that I won't waste time so my writing is faster paced then normal but clear at the same time. Granted sometimes my essay's are a bit lengthy but overall they are concise. I tend to write what I only mean to write so that means that I do not normally hugely revise my papers only small quick fixes otherwise I get carried away and I tend to not be able to stop. My feelings about writing are neither love nor loathing but rather if I must write something then I will no hate, no love. I personally think that the only thing that blogging may do to affect my writing is that my pace of typing will dramatically increase, I mean I'm not a slow typer but I would like to increase if possible.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

I'm glad to hear that you are not plagued by the "voices" of self-doubt that many writers encounter. Good first post. Keep it up.