Monday, January 28, 2008

President Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People

In President Bush's Address to the nation after the tragedy of 9/11 you can see that he has promised more then he can deliver(which should come as no surprise for a politician). You can see that he used most of his speech directed at "tugging at our heart strings" then actually telling us any useful information. In his speech he told us that he was going to fight terrorism to the ends of the earth and that the attack would be relentless but what he didn't tell us he was going to do was to bankrupt our economy. YES, a few thousand did die in the twin towers but due to his actions and his apparent wasting of money he has now made tens of thousands of other Americans unable to afford a home let alone food and water, but you can't forget he still hasn't been able to solve for the original Americans that he lead his own personal vendetta against. In his speech he tells stories of courageous passengers who rushed terrorists and of a police officer who died to save others but what did those stories really accomplish? They accomplished absolutely nothing but making us say "hell yea let's go get those terrorist bastards." He keeps saying words like "My fellow Citizens" as well as "our" and "us" to make us sound like he is one of us but if that is the case then why did he not listen to us when we told him to stop this war on terror...or was it a war for oil? I get confused sometimes. Have you realized that the name of this war has changed many times? Going from a War for Freedom, to a War on Terror, and now the unofficial War for Oil, I don't know about you but sometimes I get confused with our president. Along with his statements if you paid attention to the Hurricane Katrina incident you would realize that the president used the same phrases to rally support for his regime in that case as well. What of New Orleans now a days though? It is as bad as it was when it first happened, only now gangs have moved in and taken control of the area and our President has neglected to do ANYTHING to help these people what so ever.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

HELP! The Advertisements have eaten my brain!!!

This is what American Mentality has come down to today. It does not matter what type of product you have, as long as you believe the advertising then all they have to do is provide you with the means of obtaining this. Everyone knows(or should know) that what restaurants like McDonald's do is hire a professional chef to cook the food then then add about 3 pounds of chemicals to it to make it look good then photograph it. But what you must realize is that just like the burger in this picture most advertisements are false and lead up to an utter disappointment. If you have been in a restaurant like this then you see that most of the fast food places hold their food in a heated storage compartment for hours at a time. I have a friend that has worked at McDonalds before and she told me that the burgers there are actually engineered to stay "edible"(which we all know is barely anyways) for up to 18 hours at a time. So much for a fresh McDonalds burger huh? What you see in advertisements are designed to trick you, to literally suck every dime they can out of you. I mean look at the Coke-Cola product Dasani, the commercials are to lead you to believe that the water is pure and the most refreshing thing you have ever had(besides Sierra Mist of course) but in reality that water that they use comes from a privatized water sources out of third world countries. The average bottle of water costs what? $1-$1.50? Corporations such as this lead us to believe that the water only costs us pocket change. But what about the people in those countries? Those people work for a whopping 35cents an hour. Which means that they work 3 hours a day just to afford the water to live, that IS NOT including food, that IS assuming that their family's kids are old enough to work. If the kids are not old enough to work then they either die or get malnourished from the lack of food. So my challenge to the world is that before you go out and buy those objects that you don't really need but that the media has told you that you need ask yourself, is it really worth it? Is your unnecessary bottle of water worth the lives of these kids and families? Is that extra big mac going to make you feel wholesome while you know that hundreds of thousands of people around the world are starving? A little last fact for the day: Did you know that the US is one of the very few countries in the world in which people die of overeating while people around the world die of starving. Just think about that while you go eat until you are "full".

Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty First Drafts -Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott's essay on how basically shitty one's first draft is is grossly over generalized. First of all she assumes that most people have all of these "voices" in their head telling them that what they are doing is wrong and that they "suck." MY style of writing is that I write the way that I talk. I always lived under the impression that if you tried to make the whole world happy you in fact would just make everyone upset, so when she assumes that before we all start writing we need to silence the voices but not all of us have voices. When it comes to the question of is my writing quick and sloppy or long and tedious my answer is neither, I think about what I write before I type it so that I won't waste time so my writing is faster paced then normal but clear at the same time. Granted sometimes my essay's are a bit lengthy but overall they are concise. I tend to write what I only mean to write so that means that I do not normally hugely revise my papers only small quick fixes otherwise I get carried away and I tend to not be able to stop. My feelings about writing are neither love nor loathing but rather if I must write something then I will no hate, no love. I personally think that the only thing that blogging may do to affect my writing is that my pace of typing will dramatically increase, I mean I'm not a slow typer but I would like to increase if possible.